As the co-owner and clinical supervisor of CWMHA, I could not be moving into 2023 with more gratitude! Our first six months of practice with CWMHA have been very productive! We have been able to expand our network of service to include CWMHA clinicians in our Schofield office, Amherst office, Tomorrow River Schools, Iola/Scandinavia School District, and the Stevens Point School District. To meet those service needs, we have been able to grow our team to include a total of 9 clinicians that bring a vast array of expertise and partnership to our practice.
We look forward to serving as many people of possible in 2023 with our outstanding clinical team. We are excited to share that we have been selected to be awarded the State of Wisconsin Qualified Treatment Trainee Grant in the 2022/2023 financial year. This grant allows us to meet one of our goals to help improve and expand our efforts in training new professionals in our field. We are very humbled and grateful for the opportunity to work with the State of Wisconsin on this project.
Finally, we are continuing to streamline our process to assure that all clients receive services as promptly as possible, as our clients are our most important priority!
I want to end my update with a giant thank you all of the people involved in supporting our new practice. Without the partnership of my fellow co-owner, Michelle Hazuka, and my amazing family and friends, my dreams would still only be dreams!
Thank you all and cheers to continued progress in 2023!

Amy Marcott, CWMHA Co-Owner